Just a quick post to let you know I received the new neck blanks! The one I ordered at the wood supplier, together with all the other wood, was full of cracks, discoloration and knots. They accidently sent me the wrong piece of hard rock maple.. although they’re willing to correct this for me, delivery time is 3-6 weeks and I cannot wait that long..
Luckily, fellow TalkBass member DaanW arranged new blanks for me. Thank you very much!!
Here they are:
On the left, perfectly quartersawn Wenge and on the right a very nice looking piece of Flamed Maple. I’ll probably am going to use the maple, for it fits my design best. I always wanted to build a bass with a Wenge neck, but I imagine that would be better for a four string fretless. So, if everything goes well.. who knows.. the next one could be a Paradox FL4.