I’m currently working on a 5-string non-fanned version with Delano JMVC pickups. When finished, I will make a choice between the fanned and the non-fanned version.
I’m in doubt about a lot of constructional difficulties like the volute, frets that have to be twisted on a medium curved fingerboard, bridge grounding (not a big problem but still) and the block inlays that are fanned and made of MoP (expensive and unable to route them flush with the compound radius and due to the compound radius I cannot use a radiused sanding block) and lastly, the hybrid pickup cannot be rotated and is effectively contra angled with the bass side much more to the neck then you would normally do, I do not know if that’s okay, since Dingwall always slants the pickups.
When I ‘played’ on the MDF template it didn’t seem to be comfortable, so compared to all the extra effort I wonder if it’s worth it, that’s why I tried the Dingwall to help me in my decision.
So.. that’s why I am investigating how it would look as a regular V, being the more safe option.